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A laboratory of organic chemistry
The specialist of the synthesis of small organic compounds at lab scale
As a chemistry laboratory, AtlanChim Pharma is specialized in organic synthesis. Custom synthesis means that we will synthesize a molecule following synthetic pathways described in literature or according to your documents. In addition, we can develop chemical routes for undescribed compounds. To perform this work, we will usually start by a feasibility study.
An organic chemistry CRO composed of high-level scientists
Our Project Managers, all with a PhD in organic chemistry or medicinal chemistry, will work hardly on your projects in order to deliver the expected compound in accordance with your specifications. In addition, all our projects are done under confidentiality agreement.
You will get a strong support from our team with frequent reports on your project. When you project is over, compound will be sent, along with the synthesis report and/or the certificate of analysis according to your initial request.